Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Colleague 5: 同僚5

Mr. Njikho, 45 years old, my counterpart

Counterpart = Business Partner

He is quite quick on the uptake and smart. And he works passionately and sincerely, being proud of his job for the rural community development. He is also trustworthy so I sometimes ask for his advice for my private matter.


Regarding work, I am supposed to visit small farmer’s group (members are mainly women) for group saving, micro credit and IGA (Income generative activity). He wants me to assist him working as CDA ( Community Development Assistant) with new ideas as outsider which I obtained and learned in Japanese society. At this moment, as three months has passed since I came to this country, I assume I can help to assist their small businesses, like selling tomatoes on street and second hand clothes in small shop in the market. So I am now studying business marketing. Hopefully my predecessor left me a book about it and I found some books in JICA office.

基本的に彼と一緒にフィールドに出て少額貯金や、収入創出活動に勤しむようです。CDACommunity Development Assistant,生活改善普及員さんみたいな仕事)として働く彼のサポートを私がするみたい。何でもいいから日本の社会で学んだアイデアをマラウィに還元してくれって言われてます。というわけで、女性農民グループの小規模ビジネス(道でトマト売ったり、市場で店を構えて中古の洋服を売ったり)の円滑化の何かしらのお手伝いを出来ると考えた私は、目下business managementについて学んでいます。

As he works as CDA for a long time (probably for more than 20 years), he was giving the brisk instruction to the farmer’s group about group saving. Every time when we visit the farer’s group, he talks to me in the local language, Chitumbka on purpose. Even though I cannot understand, he continues to talk. So I strike right back to start to talk in Japanese. When I say ‘ I don’t totally understand what u say!’ in Japanese, he and farmers start to laugh! It’s really funny!!!


Actually, as I am the third JOCV volunteer, he knows much about Japan. For example, late marriage. Nowadays, not small numbers of Japanese people are single, etc.

As the third volunteer, I told him a new thing. Long time ago, women were supposed to talk with men three steps behind. It is because women were always supposed to follow the men. Of course now the situation has changed, haha!


On the other hand, it’s opposite. According to Mr. Njikho, men are supposed to walk behind women. It is for protecting women from dangerous animals and other men. He said, ‘ How can I walk leaving my wife behind?’ It’s really chivalrous and I like that idea!!!


Surely our relationship with mutual respect will be the key point in my two year work here. So I hope I can work with him with enough communication .


  Of course he also helped me cutting lake fish!! He was really cute when he was joking that give me 600 kwacha for my labor with those fish!!!(ノ∀`)


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