Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Colleague 5: 同僚5

Mr. Njikho, 45 years old, my counterpart

Counterpart = Business Partner

He is quite quick on the uptake and smart. And he works passionately and sincerely, being proud of his job for the rural community development. He is also trustworthy so I sometimes ask for his advice for my private matter.


Regarding work, I am supposed to visit small farmer’s group (members are mainly women) for group saving, micro credit and IGA (Income generative activity). He wants me to assist him working as CDA ( Community Development Assistant) with new ideas as outsider which I obtained and learned in Japanese society. At this moment, as three months has passed since I came to this country, I assume I can help to assist their small businesses, like selling tomatoes on street and second hand clothes in small shop in the market. So I am now studying business marketing. Hopefully my predecessor left me a book about it and I found some books in JICA office.

基本的に彼と一緒にフィールドに出て少額貯金や、収入創出活動に勤しむようです。CDACommunity Development Assistant,生活改善普及員さんみたいな仕事)として働く彼のサポートを私がするみたい。何でもいいから日本の社会で学んだアイデアをマラウィに還元してくれって言われてます。というわけで、女性農民グループの小規模ビジネス(道でトマト売ったり、市場で店を構えて中古の洋服を売ったり)の円滑化の何かしらのお手伝いを出来ると考えた私は、目下business managementについて学んでいます。

As he works as CDA for a long time (probably for more than 20 years), he was giving the brisk instruction to the farmer’s group about group saving. Every time when we visit the farer’s group, he talks to me in the local language, Chitumbka on purpose. Even though I cannot understand, he continues to talk. So I strike right back to start to talk in Japanese. When I say ‘ I don’t totally understand what u say!’ in Japanese, he and farmers start to laugh! It’s really funny!!!


Actually, as I am the third JOCV volunteer, he knows much about Japan. For example, late marriage. Nowadays, not small numbers of Japanese people are single, etc.

As the third volunteer, I told him a new thing. Long time ago, women were supposed to talk with men three steps behind. It is because women were always supposed to follow the men. Of course now the situation has changed, haha!


On the other hand, it’s opposite. According to Mr. Njikho, men are supposed to walk behind women. It is for protecting women from dangerous animals and other men. He said, ‘ How can I walk leaving my wife behind?’ It’s really chivalrous and I like that idea!!!


Surely our relationship with mutual respect will be the key point in my two year work here. So I hope I can work with him with enough communication .


  Of course he also helped me cutting lake fish!! He was really cute when he was joking that give me 600 kwacha for my labor with those fish!!!(ノ∀`)


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Colleague 4 , 同僚4

Mr. Chirwa, 31 years old, the security guard

He is the security guard of our office. He is the only one who keeps guard over it every day, day and night. He has his wife and two kids and he is also really caring type as good as other Malawian friends. He cares of me like a real sister. I think he is the ripe of person who feels satisfied to help others. As he is hopelessly good-natured and cheerful, he often cheered me up with his big smile and positive thinking when I feel a bit depressed with ‘Dog Problem.’ He is the one who assisted me to cut the fish into pieces and carried to my house by motorcycle.


Apart from his job as the security guard (or it is correct to say ‘ as it is included in his job??), he comes to the office in daytime every day to do routine chores, like cutting grass, repairing the broken pipe of the toilet. But just recently, I got to know that he is the only one who handles the safety of our office all the time, 24 hours in 365 days!!! It must be really tough for him! Coz the total hours spent at work is tooooo long!!! He sometimes complain our ministry is supposed to hire another guard, but thanks to his positive mind, it seems he does not care about it so seriously.But I still wonder what is mentioned about working time in his contract. .




Thursday, April 12, 2012

Colleague 3 : 同僚3

Mr. Shaba
He is the second top person in my office. He works for longest time for our office at least since when our last predecessor was assigned in 2007. He has a soothing character and he is really big and always smiling cheerfully!!
Several yeas ago, he was warned by doctor about physical condition, so since then he hasn't any salt and sugar for his health. But he is still really big because maybe he eats a lot of oil and meat...??One day he told me it is because of heredity and his parent is also big with big smile!Then he showed us two passports. Old and new ones to show how much he has gained in twenty years !! In old passport he was really slim! But in new one which valid now, he looks big. When he was young, he was one of the fastest runnner in Malawi. He even got the offer of job in the army. But he drank too much beer and he became fat gradually. He even drank 10 bottles of beer in one time!! Nowadays, it is my routine work (?) to rub his big belly and ask ' Hi baby, how many months old r u~~???' One time the baby said ' 20 months old!' It was soooooooo funny with his potbelly!
I really respect him because he is not pessimistic about his appearence and he even enternains us with his good sence of humor.
Shabaさん 47才
一時、彼のデブ談義に私たちは超盛り上がりました。1992年の若かりし頃のパスポートをわざわざ現在有効のものと対比して見せてくれたのです。若い頃は国体レベルのランナーで、とっても細かったんだが、ビールを浴びるように飲んだのと、元々の遺伝が理由で体重はどんどん右肩上がりに成長を遂げてしまったとか。今では毎日の職場について彼のお腹を摩り、「赤ちゃん今何ヶ月ですか~??」と話しかけるのが日課というか日々の楽しみです。あるときは、「20ヶ月目だよ~、あはは!( ´∀`)」という絶妙な返しに爆笑しました。自分の見た目をニコニコ笑って明るいネタにしちゃう彼は素敵すぎです。私も是非見習いたい!!
Regarding work, I really don't know what he is doing. I just often see him really busy with writing reports to submit to the government. Probably his job is to conduct the investigation of livelihood in villeges and collate the datas in order for the government to adopt the flexible policies.
Apart from that, he often goes out for the trainings. Since I was dispatched to this office, he has taken two trainings. He took nutrition training in Lilongwe for a week. I think it helped a lot for his own diet and health. And this week, he is in India for another training reagarding business and micro finance. He was invited by Indian government. Nowadays, I heard the international relationship between India and Malawi is becoming stronger. Some time in February, thanks to the aid from India, in Malawi they could afford to buy the fuel and the situation became a bit better for a while with the fuel crisis.


Colleague 2 : 同僚2

Mrs. Shinkhala, Secretary 42 years old
She is really friendly and feminine about love. In the meantime,very nasty!!
As I mentioned before in Japanese article, she is the one who told me to take a bath at least twice a day to clean myself. She seems to like always to be in love and she often tells me her love. For example, about her husband who works in the capital city now. When he feels like talking to her, every time he calls her after 11:30 which is just before midnight, etc, while nowadays she reads a novel of love story that one women who loves two guys in one time. It is really funny to see her smiling meaningfully when she talks about that novel, hahaha!! Moreover, she sometimes talks about very very indecent stuff to us!! Normally my batch mate, Japanese boy who works for Youth Office just in the opposite building, is the target!! Anyway, she talks soooooo much! So sometimes I think she comes to the office not to only to wok but also to destressing herself with chatting, hahaha!

Of course, she works fast as she talks!!(^^) Her job is to clean the office, type documentations, pay various expenses for our activities. And she is really caring person partly because she is mother of five kids! She cares of me like a realy daughter. Basically, I think I spend a lot of time with her in a day. In lunch hour, we go to the town for meal together almost every day. One day when I bought a chicken with good price, she carried it and escorted me to my house because I am too scared of chicken, although my house is in opposite side of her place.

My Colleague 1, 同僚その1

Mr. Masoo (DCDO, 49 years old)

He is my toppest boss in Community Development Office.His post is District Community Development Officer. As I mentioned on this blog before, he had stayed in my country, Japan. He was taking two months training in Tsukuba between Jan and Mar in 2007. It was just when I was doing internship in Cameroon. Of course he likes Japanese food so much and I am glad that we can share the idea how delicious Miso soup is in this rural town in Malawi!!

マソオさん 49才
この人は、私の配属先であるMzimba Community Development
Officeで一番えらいおじさんです。District Community
Development Officerという役職です。以前このブログで書いたけど、日本に滞在した経験があります。2007年1月から3月の2箇月間。ちょうど私がカメルーンにいたときに彼は遥かマラウィから筑波での研修を受けに日本に来てました。マラウィの片田舎のしょっぼいオフィスで味噌汁の美味しさを語れる貴重なおじさまです。

After he graduated the technical college of community development, he worked as CDA, Community Development Assistant. He used to visit the small villeges by mortorcycle in order to assist people in rural areas. About 60 years ago, my country used to have same kind of job, the livelihood improvement workers. He says he wants to study in the university to get bachelor degree of community development if the God allows.

Regarding the work, same as other Malawian colleagues, he has difficulty to go for business trip. Since last year, in Malawi we have suffered from bad shortage of fuel. Normally, the fuel should be supplied in weekly basis, but nowadays, we have not got it for three weeks, at least. The atmosphere in town can even be some times under tension. So he hopes the situation will get better after the transposition to the new president.

He likes ground nuts so he often buys them to share with us. I like to chat with him sitting on the chair , eating nuts outside of the office!(^^)

When I have some documents to submit, normally he does the final check. As the professional, he gives me good suggestion and advice. Especially, I like it that he calls me My Dear...when I ask him advice. He is just always helpful!

Community Development のカレッジを出たあと、CDA(Community Development Assistant)としてしばらくフィールドを回って日本でいう生活改善普及員さんみたいな感じで働き、出世して今の地位にいます。神様が許せば、大学に行ってCommunity Development の学士を取りたいと言ってます。
仕事面について。昨年下半期から続く燃料不足ゆえ、Field Tripに出られないので大抵はいつも暇そうにしています。オフィスの外に椅子を出して、売り子からピーナッツを買ってポリポリ他の同僚や近所で働く友人とおしゃべりするのが彼の日課だと思います。
頭は結構いい人みたいで、JICAに提出する書類や、活動先に出すMonthly reportの添削をしてくれるのですが、的を得た指摘をいつもくれます。基本的にホワホワしていて、とっても癒やし系です。
なんか頼み事をお願いすると、Yes, My Dear...と優しく教えてくれます。

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I love fish!! おさかな天国、 on 30th Mar

Finally, my fish diet has started!!
On this day, I went to the market with my colleague to get new pipes of the toilet at the office.A lot of water was leaking so we need to fix it. At that time, I passed fishmongers and bought fish!!! As you know, I am sooooooo in to fish and seafood!!! So when I was informed that I would be assigned to Malawi, the landlocked country, I felt a bit anxious without fish. But here we can eat fish from Lake Malawi which occupies 20% of country!! Now I am sure I can survive two years life here, haha.
Actually every time I went to the market during weekday, I checked fish. But considering the distance from office to my house, and the time which takes until they would be put in he frege, I really did not feel like buying coz I was afraid fish could be rotten under the strong sunshine.
But unexpectedly I muttered, ' I wanna eat fish...' Then my colleague proposed one nice idea to me! I can just buy fish now and our security guard can cut them into pieces after removing organs. Then he will go to my house to keep them in the frege.
What a nice idea!! Immediately I agreed with it and bought them!!
The fish is called ' Chambo' in local langage and its size is about 50 cm. The taste is light and it is similar with horse mackerel which I used to eat three times in a week when I was in Cameroon. One fish was 400 kwacha (U$ 3), but I negotiated the price and it got 350 kwacha per each.
Just FYI,
English:Please make the price cheaper.
Chitumbka:Mungani kizgirako(むんがにきずぎらーこ)

Actually, a few days ago, I was repeating this phrase many times with my colleague ( maybe 30 times?) as it is really convenient in our life. Now I feel grateful with my colleague who sang this phrase with melody, haha!
This time I bought 5 fish as I cannot make use of man power of office!! It was a big expenditure for me considering monthly fund from JICA for livinf expense...but no use of complaining...coz I just can't live without fish!! Will eat them little by little, in local language Chitumbka, pachoko pachoko...
After buying them, we threaded the plastic strings in mouths of fish and brought back to the office. On the way,many many flies were crawling all over them and it was really disgusting!!! And I even felt agry with them. Then we borrowed a knife in a bottle store, and our security guard and my counterpart cut them into pieces. They were quite willing to do it , although it wasn't related with our work. Basically Malawian people are really helpful with each other. So I think they should be proud of it! While they were removing the organs and cutting them, flies were crawling again so I was fanning them away with my hands.
Eventually, fish were brought to my frege! They will be emergency provision when I get sick or mentally down.


On that day, I tred the headpart and it was soooooooooo yummy!!!!! Sure enough, fish are my best favorite food!!!! I cannot live without them!!!

※FYI, below is the recipe which is my favorite. In Cameroon, I used to buy horse mackerels quite often and cook this food about twice a week.
Fish, veges(cabbage, onion, garlic, etc), bouillon, tomato sauce, salt and pepper.
*How to cook*
Fry fish and vege with salt and pepper,and then add buillon and tomato sause ( Peanut powder is also nice!!).
After that boil for 20 minutes!! Soooooo simple and easy!!!!




Monday, April 2, 2012



