結局なんだかんだでバス停での違法物売りと警察との騒ぎは起こらず、1月30日に予定よりちょっと遅れて赴任先へと出発することになりました。青少年活動のさくちゃん、エイズ対策のぐりちゃん&つじちゃんと、Lilongweからバスで7時間かけ、Mzimba県の首都、Bomaに19時ごろに到着。Boma唯一の宿泊場所、MAME Motelにチェックインした後に調整員の中橋さんが来てくれて、皆でご飯を食べました。どうやら彼は私の自宅の近所に住んでいるらしい。頼りになれる人が近くにいて、安心安心!

After all, the riot between police and vendors didn't occur and we left our lodge for our town with the instruction of JICA. With other volunteer friends ( Youth activity and HIV controller) I went to Boma, the capital city of Mzimba District by bus and it took 7 hours to get there! Including waiting time, 10 hours!! It was soooo tiring... After checking in with motel, Volunteer Coordirator Mr. Nakahashi came and we had supper together. I heard he would be my neighbor and I feel secured with it!
次の日は、県庁と警察署に挨拶に連れていってもらいました。県知事さんがJICAの研修で日本に来たことがあるらしく、かなり親日家オーラたっぷりの歓迎ぶりでした。ネクタイピンには「大分一村一品」という文字が・・・この日に合わせて付けてきてくれたんだろうなぁ。それだけJICAの援助が大好きなんだろうな。※マラウィでは、大分県の一村一品運動の成功に大統領が感動し、政策の中に導入され、JICAがOne Villege One Project (OVOP)という名の下、地元の品を外部に販売する手伝いをしています。私の職種である村落開発普及員でもOVOPが任務の友人が数名います。
Next day, we went to prefecture office and police station to greet important persons of town. The prefecture governor is a big Japanophile! He has ever come to Japan for JICA training. It's interesting that his tiepin says 'Oita prefecture One villege one project.'
※ In Malawi, One villege One project has been introduced as Malawian president is impressed by the success of Oita prefecture. JICA has assisted its project with expansion of marketing target and producing the commodity like banana wine and potato chips. I have some rural community development officer friends who are in charge of this project.
9時過ぎで役所関係の挨拶回りを終え、警察署に配属先の上司に迎えにきてもらいました。Mr.Shabaという体がぼってりして滅茶苦茶思考のラインがほのぼのして、緩そうで、とってもやさしそうな30代後半から40代前半くらいのおじさんでした。 「You are Seiko!! お~~~~!!待ってたぜ~!!」と、これまた大喜びで歓迎してくれたので嬉しかったです。オフィスに挨拶に行ってみると、畳10疊くらいの部屋が三つある平屋に着きました。ちょっとしたパソコン機器と書類類やら机と椅子があるだけで、スッキリしすぎです。どんな形でこれから仕事をしていくのかちょっと想像がつきません。同僚は男性3名、女性1名。みんなすんごくゆったりほのぼのしていて、アフリカンタイムゆえの仕事の進みの遅さをナシにしたら、すごく楽しく仕事をやっていけそうな感じ。
As I finished greeting around 9:30, my boss picked me up at police station. Mr. Shaba, he looks really kind and tender.I am glad he was really happy to welcome me!! Then we walked to the office. The office is like one-storied house which three rooms with simple PC equipments, desks, charis and some documentations. As it's so simple that I really cannot imagine how I will work there. There are four colleagues in my office, three guys and one lady as the secretary. Everybody is really tender, so I will enjoy working with them although I may be a bit confused with African time which I had experience in Cameroon. At that time, everything used to go very slowly and it is quite different from Japanese culture.
軽く挨拶と自己紹介を終えたあとは、セキュリティチェックのためオフィスから1キロちょっと離れた自宅へ連れていってもらいました。前任者から部屋の概要や引き継いでくれてった生活用品については情報を頂いていたので、大きな驚きはなし。 2LDK、風呂トイレ室内設置のこじんまりとした快適なお家です♪家にはお庭もあり、パパイヤやアロエが植えられています。毎日お肌に塗って紫外線に痛めつけられているお肌を少しでも労わろうと思います。

After the visit of the office, I went to my house with my colleagues to check the security. It's 1.5km from the office and is surrounded with maize field. As I have had enough information about the house from my predecessor so no big surprise or change, in a good way.My house is 2LDK. It's not big but enough for me to live alone and to invite my friend once in a while. Especially I am happy with the bathroom. Toilet and shower are in my house. In some cases of my friend's bathroom is not in their house. So they often have to go out from their houses.In the garden I found papaya and aloe planted which are very good for the skin!!! I am sure I will apply them as the facial pack.
My house is detached room from the main house which my landlady lives in. She is around her sixties and quite trustworthy. She had been taken care of my two predecessor since 2007 and caring type of person. If I could build the good relationship with her and her dog, my two years life in Boma would be rosy!

For your information, in Mzimba, there are a lot of Rose Quartz and other stones which are famous for 'power stone.' But here their value is not evaluated at all and they are just used in the garden like briks. And I can often see stones like crystal on the road. As I am so into power stones, I am so excited that I can live with them in Mzimba!! Hope my luck will rise!!

After all, the riot between police and vendors didn't occur and we left our lodge for our town with the instruction of JICA. With other volunteer friends ( Youth activity and HIV controller) I went to Boma, the capital city of Mzimba District by bus and it took 7 hours to get there! Including waiting time, 10 hours!! It was soooo tiring... After checking in with motel, Volunteer Coordirator Mr. Nakahashi came and we had supper together. I heard he would be my neighbor and I feel secured with it!
次の日は、県庁と警察署に挨拶に連れていってもらいました。県知事さんがJICAの研修で日本に来たことがあるらしく、かなり親日家オーラたっぷりの歓迎ぶりでした。ネクタイピンには「大分一村一品」という文字が・・・この日に合わせて付けてきてくれたんだろうなぁ。それだけJICAの援助が大好きなんだろうな。※マラウィでは、大分県の一村一品運動の成功に大統領が感動し、政策の中に導入され、JICAがOne Villege One Project (OVOP)という名の下、地元の品を外部に販売する手伝いをしています。私の職種である村落開発普及員でもOVOPが任務の友人が数名います。
Next day, we went to prefecture office and police station to greet important persons of town. The prefecture governor is a big Japanophile! He has ever come to Japan for JICA training. It's interesting that his tiepin says 'Oita prefecture One villege one project.'
※ In Malawi, One villege One project has been introduced as Malawian president is impressed by the success of Oita prefecture. JICA has assisted its project with expansion of marketing target and producing the commodity like banana wine and potato chips. I have some rural community development officer friends who are in charge of this project.
9時過ぎで役所関係の挨拶回りを終え、警察署に配属先の上司に迎えにきてもらいました。Mr.Shabaという体がぼってりして滅茶苦茶思考のラインがほのぼのして、緩そうで、とってもやさしそうな30代後半から40代前半くらいのおじさんでした。 「You are Seiko!! お~~~~!!待ってたぜ~!!」と、これまた大喜びで歓迎してくれたので嬉しかったです。オフィスに挨拶に行ってみると、畳10疊くらいの部屋が三つある平屋に着きました。ちょっとしたパソコン機器と書類類やら机と椅子があるだけで、スッキリしすぎです。どんな形でこれから仕事をしていくのかちょっと想像がつきません。同僚は男性3名、女性1名。みんなすんごくゆったりほのぼのしていて、アフリカンタイムゆえの仕事の進みの遅さをナシにしたら、すごく楽しく仕事をやっていけそうな感じ。
As I finished greeting around 9:30, my boss picked me up at police station. Mr. Shaba, he looks really kind and tender.I am glad he was really happy to welcome me!! Then we walked to the office. The office is like one-storied house which three rooms with simple PC equipments, desks, charis and some documentations. As it's so simple that I really cannot imagine how I will work there. There are four colleagues in my office, three guys and one lady as the secretary. Everybody is really tender, so I will enjoy working with them although I may be a bit confused with African time which I had experience in Cameroon. At that time, everything used to go very slowly and it is quite different from Japanese culture.
軽く挨拶と自己紹介を終えたあとは、セキュリティチェックのためオフィスから1キロちょっと離れた自宅へ連れていってもらいました。前任者から部屋の概要や引き継いでくれてった生活用品については情報を頂いていたので、大きな驚きはなし。 2LDK、風呂トイレ室内設置のこじんまりとした快適なお家です♪家にはお庭もあり、パパイヤやアロエが植えられています。毎日お肌に塗って紫外線に痛めつけられているお肌を少しでも労わろうと思います。

After the visit of the office, I went to my house with my colleagues to check the security. It's 1.5km from the office and is surrounded with maize field. As I have had enough information about the house from my predecessor so no big surprise or change, in a good way.My house is 2LDK. It's not big but enough for me to live alone and to invite my friend once in a while. Especially I am happy with the bathroom. Toilet and shower are in my house. In some cases of my friend's bathroom is not in their house. So they often have to go out from their houses.In the garden I found papaya and aloe planted which are very good for the skin!!! I am sure I will apply them as the facial pack.
My house is detached room from the main house which my landlady lives in. She is around her sixties and quite trustworthy. She had been taken care of my two predecessor since 2007 and caring type of person. If I could build the good relationship with her and her dog, my two years life in Boma would be rosy!

For your information, in Mzimba, there are a lot of Rose Quartz and other stones which are famous for 'power stone.' But here their value is not evaluated at all and they are just used in the garden like briks. And I can often see stones like crystal on the road. As I am so into power stones, I am so excited that I can live with them in Mzimba!! Hope my luck will rise!!
Anyway, two months has passed since my predecessor left my house and everywhere it is sooooo dusty!! Once I move to my new place, what I need to do is cleaning all the house!!!
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