This afternoon JICA staff called one of the batch mates to inform to stay at the lodge tomorrow until they confirm what is happening.
We were supposed to leave the lodge for our office in each town by bus. But they heard one rumor. The police will come to the bus depot to turm them away from there. If it happened, for sure they would get really agry and same kind of riot will occure like two weeks ago when women's skirt and trousers were stripped in public. So we need to wait for the confirmed information from JICA.
It is OK to stay in the lodge coz there are so many things to do like studying accounting or Tumbka language and I can live a full life here for a while. But the problem is that the situation is getting worse regarding economy. The slump of the tobacco price which is main product in Malawi and reduction of international aid. I heard that the Malawian government banished one English diplomat who criticized their policy of gay people and that's the reason of big reduction to blame it. Due to two reasons, Malawian are suffering from the shortage of foreign currency with the slump of its national currency Malawi kwacha.
Now commodity prices are getting high and high. For example, one egg was 25 kwacha when my predecessor was here but now it's 40 or 50 kwacha. And the fuel crisis is always serious. I can often see such a long line of cars from the petrol stations. In Malawi, they depend on the imports so much that the influence of the slump of Malawi kwacha is really big.
Now it's reasonable that they want to complain about their dissatisfaction of civil servants and the government. I feel so sorry with them as the I cannot see the prompt improvement by the them. I hope the social security won't be worse than now.
青年海外協力隊平成23年度3次隊として2年間マラウィに行きます。 派遣前の故郷青森でのバケーション生活、派遣前の準備色々、派遣後の生活や社会情勢など、3年弱の間ですが、ぐだめきを発信しようと思います。 皆さんよろしくね。 Hey I'm Seiko Sei!! After four years in Shipping industry, came back to African field! Going to Malawi as JOCV through JICA for two years from Jan 2012. Hope my info would help you enjoy and know about JOCV and Malawi.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Proper way of Chitenji, on 24th Jan 2012

From this week on, the language class has started. I have learned Chitumbka ( the language of Tumbka tribe) which is spoken by 4 Million in Northern part of Malawi. From 8:00 AM to 11:00, and from 13:00 to 16:00, we study with Malawian teacher.
During lunch time, we went down to the market with him to have lunch together. After we had Sima ( staple food in Malawi, something like rice cake but made with corn, like fufu and Ugali) and I left there for the supermarket with one of my friend. Then I experience which was a bit scarely.
At that time I was wearing the traditional skirt, chitenji. It is simply a big cloth and we wrap it with our body. One women who looked like middle of her thirties grabbed my arm and stopped me. She seemed a bit angry and was talking to me in Chewa, the official language which I cannot totally understand. She grabbed my arm and the knot of Chitenji. She talks so fast that I felt offensive and scared. And she tried to let me out of the market, saying ' you cannot enter like this!' And the women around us were laughing.
After I left there I really felt uncomfortable coz I could hardly understand her except for ' I could not enter like this.' And I was really scared too because several days before women in Malawi who were wearing trousers and mini-skirt were stripped by guys in public after the riot here in Lilongwe. It made not only me but also JICA staff feel sensitive with the way which we go out.
So after I went back to the class, I asked the reason why she seemed to have complained about me and what she was saying at that time. Two teachers had different interesting ideas about Chitenji.
1. Not to untie
She was worrying about me after seeing the knot of my chitenji. She was afraid it would be too loose to be tied in the market. So she may have wanted to tell me I should have tied it up properly.
2. To make it loose
She was worrying about me and afraid the case the emergency like the fire occured.With my way the knot looked too tight and in case of emergency I may not be able to run fast to escape. So I should have changed the way to tie it up with my body.
Their ideas are tottaly different as for how to tie. I don't know why and which is better beause they are men. When I start to work with women's group, I may have a lot of opportunity to learn this. At least the women was not trying to do anything bad to me which makes feel relieved. And I feel grateful as she was advising me something. But what I was really really scared was I could not unerstand her at all. Now I know the importance of the language ability. So that's why I try my Tumbka language class hard.
This is only the beginning of inter-cultural understanding. I assume I need to face with many big differences in two years. I feel a bit anxious but in the meantime am excited with new experience which divers my sense of values.
During lunch time, we went down to the market with him to have lunch together. After we had Sima ( staple food in Malawi, something like rice cake but made with corn, like fufu and Ugali) and I left there for the supermarket with one of my friend. Then I experience which was a bit scarely.
At that time I was wearing the traditional skirt, chitenji. It is simply a big cloth and we wrap it with our body. One women who looked like middle of her thirties grabbed my arm and stopped me. She seemed a bit angry and was talking to me in Chewa, the official language which I cannot totally understand. She grabbed my arm and the knot of Chitenji. She talks so fast that I felt offensive and scared. And she tried to let me out of the market, saying ' you cannot enter like this!' And the women around us were laughing.
After I left there I really felt uncomfortable coz I could hardly understand her except for ' I could not enter like this.' And I was really scared too because several days before women in Malawi who were wearing trousers and mini-skirt were stripped by guys in public after the riot here in Lilongwe. It made not only me but also JICA staff feel sensitive with the way which we go out.
So after I went back to the class, I asked the reason why she seemed to have complained about me and what she was saying at that time. Two teachers had different interesting ideas about Chitenji.
1. Not to untie
She was worrying about me after seeing the knot of my chitenji. She was afraid it would be too loose to be tied in the market. So she may have wanted to tell me I should have tied it up properly.
2. To make it loose
She was worrying about me and afraid the case the emergency like the fire occured.With my way the knot looked too tight and in case of emergency I may not be able to run fast to escape. So I should have changed the way to tie it up with my body.
Their ideas are tottaly different as for how to tie. I don't know why and which is better beause they are men. When I start to work with women's group, I may have a lot of opportunity to learn this. At least the women was not trying to do anything bad to me which makes feel relieved. And I feel grateful as she was advising me something. But what I was really really scared was I could not unerstand her at all. Now I know the importance of the language ability. So that's why I try my Tumbka language class hard.
This is only the beginning of inter-cultural understanding. I assume I need to face with many big differences in two years. I feel a bit anxious but in the meantime am excited with new experience which divers my sense of values.
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Dogs, my biggest problem in Malawi!!!
On 20th Jan
I had a small briefing with JICA staff. It was about my field trip to my office in Mzimba District.
From 30th Jan for a week, I will travel there to take a look at my office, house and the town, basically alone.
Since I passed the JICA interview, I have worried about one critical thing which I told the staff.
From my predecessor, I have hreard that there are many dogs which are not tied with ropes, unlike the ones in Japan. Malawian people have many of them as watchdogs.
When I was a kid, every winter I used to be chased by dogs in Aomori which was really really scarely for me. So it is like trauma.
As I told the staff, she was quite worried about me because we cannot usually help meeting dogs on the street. Although she told me to ask some advice to the volunteer people or the staff in Mzimba about the countermeaure against the dogs, I am really really anxious.
When I travel to Mzimba next week, I will see the situation and what to do with dogs.
Fortunately they are not big, the middle sized ones. So I hope I can manage with them. Otherwise I will have to cancel my assigment and the schedule to go back to Japan will be preponed.
I really really hope I can overcome my biggest weak point!!!
I had a small briefing with JICA staff. It was about my field trip to my office in Mzimba District.
From 30th Jan for a week, I will travel there to take a look at my office, house and the town, basically alone.
Since I passed the JICA interview, I have worried about one critical thing which I told the staff.
From my predecessor, I have hreard that there are many dogs which are not tied with ropes, unlike the ones in Japan. Malawian people have many of them as watchdogs.
When I was a kid, every winter I used to be chased by dogs in Aomori which was really really scarely for me. So it is like trauma.
As I told the staff, she was quite worried about me because we cannot usually help meeting dogs on the street. Although she told me to ask some advice to the volunteer people or the staff in Mzimba about the countermeaure against the dogs, I am really really anxious.
When I travel to Mzimba next week, I will see the situation and what to do with dogs.
Fortunately they are not big, the middle sized ones. So I hope I can manage with them. Otherwise I will have to cancel my assigment and the schedule to go back to Japan will be preponed.
I really really hope I can overcome my biggest weak point!!!
Friday, January 20, 2012
今はCrescent Lodgeというドミトリーみたいなところで、自炊しながら共同生活をしてます。研修を受けるJICAオフィスからは40分くらいの距離です。隊員の職場は、私を含めた村落開発普及員が一番多く、他は理数科教師、エイズ対策、野菜栽培、など様々です。
今日は、セキュリティ担当のJ氏と一緒にJICAのワゴンで繁華街を探索。繁華街のOld Townは、JICAオフィスがあるCity Centerとは違って、Upper Classだけでなく、色々な階層の人が出入りしてます。
というわけで、ここ数日、私たち女性の隊員は、JICAから頂いたチテンジを巻いて外出していたのです。もちろんゴミゴミして治安が悪いOld Townでも例に漏れず。
今はCrescent Lodgeというドミトリーみたいなところで、自炊しながら共同生活をしてます。研修を受けるJICAオフィスからは40分くらいの距離です。隊員の職場は、私を含めた村落開発普及員が一番多く、他は理数科教師、エイズ対策、野菜栽培、など様々です。
今日は、セキュリティ担当のJ氏と一緒にJICAのワゴンで繁華街を探索。繁華街のOld Townは、JICAオフィスがあるCity Centerとは違って、Upper Classだけでなく、色々な階層の人が出入りしてます。
というわけで、ここ数日、私たち女性の隊員は、JICAから頂いたチテンジを巻いて外出していたのです。もちろんゴミゴミして治安が悪いOld Townでも例に漏れず。
Friday, January 13, 2012
Back in Africa!!
Yesterday on 12th Jan, I safely arrived in Malawi.
Till the middle of Feb, I will stay in Lilongwe, the capital city for one month training.
We are going to learn the general information about Malawi like culture, climate and security, and local language.
When I am flying from Tokyo to Hong Kong for transit, I was a bit sad to feel I am going away from Japan and all the people. But after the transit, I started to feel excited to go back to the African continent.
I am really happy to be back here and surely I feel this is my place. I hope I can enjoy two years stay here in Malawi.
Till the middle of Feb, I will stay in Lilongwe, the capital city for one month training.
We are going to learn the general information about Malawi like culture, climate and security, and local language.
When I am flying from Tokyo to Hong Kong for transit, I was a bit sad to feel I am going away from Japan and all the people. But after the transit, I started to feel excited to go back to the African continent.
I am really happy to be back here and surely I feel this is my place. I hope I can enjoy two years stay here in Malawi.
Saturday, January 7, 2012
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